I'm tired
10:54 a.m. - 2004-06-21

I typed this up last night, while I was working on my stupid paper that I just now finished.

I should be working on answering those damn questions for my class. I should be sleeping because it�s midnight and I have class and work tomorrow. But like I said, I need to finish those damn questions. I�ve been doing everything I can to not do my homework. I get so tense when I�m doing it. I�m so intent on getting a freaking A in this course. I feel like there�s no reason why I shouldn�t get an A in this class when it�s the only one I�m taking and it�s something I like.

Anyway, there�s trouble in paradise. Well, I shouldn�t exactly call it paradise because it�s not exactly paradise when things are good. I got in a fight with Dan the Man because he didn�t call me like he said he would. It�s not that I�m a total bitch and just get pist at him for any reason, but he�s been doing this all week. I understand that he�s got family visiting and stuff, but he could always say, �Family is visiting and it might be kinda hard to call you, so can we talk like twice a week?� Instead, he just doesn�t call, and that pisses me off. And I think what really gets to me is that when I haven�t called, he�s been on my case and made me feel like shit when I�d never done it before. I�m just sick of certain things. I know I�ll feel different about it tomorrow or maybe even later, but right now, I�m really pist.

Anyway, I saw A Day Without a Mexican on Friday. I really liked it. I thought it was pretty funny. It�s a low budget film so you can�t expect that much from it, but I like the message its sending out. I�m sure Tacho will use it in his class when it comes out on video. But before that, he needs to see it because he gave us all the wrong information. We�re gonna watch Super Size Me tomorrow. I hope its good.

Oh yeah, I forgot I had a birthday on Tuesday. I turned 24. Carolina and Gabi took me out to Eric�s for lunch. For dinner, Gabi, Bo and I went to Azteca�s and then to Little Woodrows. We went home early because Bo kept saying he was so tired. On Wednesday we went to Hooters and Gabi had the Hooters girls sing Happy Birthday to me, that was pretty embarrassing.

However, Friday was the best because I went out to lunch with Gabi, Carolina, Lalis, and Linda. When we got back to the office, we had cup cakes and ice cream to celebrate my b-day and my acceptance to the writing workshop�s I�m going to next month. It was so cool because all my favorite people were there like Lalis, Linda, Carla, El Panza and Maria Teresa. There were more people there, but these are the people I�ll stop on my way out so that I can chit chat with them. Along with ice cream and cupcakes, Gabi had brought in some soda�s and Linda suggested we make ourselves root beer floats, so we gave El Panza the extra ice cream cone I had served and made ourselves floats. It was so much fun, like my last party at home, when I had the pi�atas filled with candy, Sponge Bob cake and jumping balloon.

I'm not pist about the Dan the Man thing. At least I don't think so. I really can't be anything other than tired. I went to bed at about 2 A.M. and I woke up at six to keep working on this paper. For some reason, I just couldn't think. I would begin to answer one of the questions and then it'd all blend into this big ball of mush. I wish we could just write one long paper on the movie not four essay questions. Oh well. I guess I should get back to wrok.

back || forth

Getting linked and saying adios - 2005-01-28
What's going on... - 2005-01-26
Fixed - 2005-01-21
Sex ed - 2005-01-19
And still on the same subject - 2005-01-18


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