We're engaged
11:22 a.m. - 2004-03-23

I thought I would update when I was visiting Dan the Man, but of course, I opted to spending time with him instead of updating my journal. It�s understandable right?

So he did pop the question. I was actually surprised because I didn�t know he was going to ask me the day I arrived. Then of course, there was the whole worry of him getting cold feet or being scared off.

How did he do it?

We went out to dinner at The Last Straw, it�s this restaurant that is made out of straw and it�s out in the countryside. He had a gift bag with him that he gave to the host and they brought out a glass of wine and the wine. We ate dinner and were sitting there holding hands when the server asked if we were ready for dessert. He said yes, and she brought out a silver platter with a red rose ring box laying on it. We were still holding hands and he said, �You know I love you right?�

�Yes,� I replied.

�Well,� he said as he got down on his knee, �Will you marry me?�

I think I turned about ten shades of red and said, �Yes. Get up.�

�Take the ring.�

�Get up,� I said as I took the ring and slipped it on my finger.

I didn�t cry, not because I didn�t care or it wasn�t a good thing, but because I was happy. I don�t cry when I�m happy. We sat there waiting for the check, holding hands and smiling. I was giggling like a little girl and I was pretty jittery when we got back to his grandmother�s house.

I know I�m not doing justice to the proposal, because it was the sweetest thing in the world.

I hated having to leave. I stood at the airport, hugging him on and off and crying those big tears that just fall out of your eyes even if you don�t want them to. I called him when I got to DFW and I cried as I talked to him and walked to my gate. When I got home and saw the monkey he had sent me for Valentine�s day, I laid down on my bed, hugged the monkey and cried some more. When I called him later that night, I started to cry as soon as I heard his voice. I�m crying now as I type this.

We have spent a total of 13 days together since we met; we have talked on the phone and online probably 912.5 days out of the two years and a half that we have known each other. Now that I spent 9 days with him, I don�t know how we were able to do it for so long without seeing each other. I feel like I can�t go another day without seeing him. It helps to talk to him on the phone, but it also reminds me that I�m not with him. But I guess waiting to be with him forever another year and a half is nothing.

I know my thoughts are everywhere on this entry, but I�m still trying to ground myself back into school and work and life away from him.

back || forth

Getting linked and saying adios - 2005-01-28
What's going on... - 2005-01-26
Fixed - 2005-01-21
Sex ed - 2005-01-19
And still on the same subject - 2005-01-18


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