An update, finally!
11:06 a.m. - 2004-03-10

I haven�t been updating frequently because as I mentioned before, this is part two of the weeks of hell. In two days, it�ll be over and I�ll be in the arms of Dan the Man.

Until then, I�ll keep working out like a maniac, studying and writing as much as I can. I�m really proud of myself because I�ve been busting my ass at the gym for an hour everyday. I work out everyday but these past two weeks have been really intense and I know I�m loosing tons of water weight which is still loosing weight when it comes to the scale. I know the number on the scale isn�t the most important thing in the world, but sometimes you need a little motivation. I�ve given myself the challenge of a month of cardio only workouts 5-6 days a week. After that, I can begin lifting weights. I�m sure my legs will be stronger. I�ve been alternating between the stair climber and elliptical trainer on one day and the bike and treadmill on the other. It�s been fun. I�m not measuring in time, but in sweat. I gauge how good my work out was according to my sweat stains. Yeah, I know its kind gross, but it works for me.

The writing hasn�t been going too great because I�ve been so busy studying, but I�m trudging along. I�m hoping I�ll be able to work on a few stories during the break. We�ll see. I know I can do it I just need to quit twiddling my thumbs on the weekends. I have been keeping up with my studying though. I�ve been doing everything I need for my exams. Two more exams. I only have about four pages to read of Babbit. Well, it�s not the novel, it�s the Cliff�s notes. Hey, sometimes we all need to cheat a little bit.

Today are the Student Government Association (SGA) elections. It�s so funny how there�s this world within the University. I kind of wonder how much they really do for the University. I guess if I really want to know, I should join, but I don�t know about that. I mean, I�m concerned about what goes on, but I don�t know if I want another helping of social activity on my plate. I mean really, when I graduate from here, will I care what happens when I�m gone? I doubt. I�m more interested with what�s going on at UTEP.

On another note, I feel so horrible. I�m going to cancel my brother�s cell phone. He has a cell phone under my account because he couldn�t get another one on his account because he didn�t have enough credit. Well, he hasn�t paid his part of the bill. I wouldn�t have been so upset if it was only what it costs for his plan, but he ran his bill up to $130.37. And to make matters worse, I found out that it�s not even him who is using the phone, it�s his stupid fucking wife. I hate doing this but he doesn�t realize what the hell he�s doing to my credit with his shit. I feel so horrible for doing it, but then when I think about having to deal with this another month, I�m convinced I have to do it. It�s not fair you know? He�s in the situation that he�s in because of his own choices; he can have a good paying job. I�m kind of stuck here because of school. I mean, I make enough money to have what I need and treat myself once in a while, but that�s it. Anyway.

What have you been up to lately?

back || forth

Getting linked and saying adios - 2005-01-28
What's going on... - 2005-01-26
Fixed - 2005-01-21
Sex ed - 2005-01-19
And still on the same subject - 2005-01-18


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