Weekend recap and complaints
1:38 p.m. - 2004-02-16

I�m all alone on this side of the office. Linda and Lalis are out because their kids got the day off from school and Gabi doesn�t come in on Mondays or Wednesdays because those are the days she teaches. What is a work study worker to do?

I have an exam later, so I will finish reading the articles I should have read weeks ago. I tend to retain a lot of the stuff I read, especially when it�s interesting, and believe it or not, these are pretty interesting.

I could also work on my writing. My horriblescope said I should join a creative writing group or take a painting class. It�s rather funny how they think you can do that on a whim and that it doesn�t take some planning or anything. Anyway, I would love to join a creative writing group, except that I don�t know where I can find one that I�ll fit in with. Most of the people I�ve taken classes with that are creative writing majors are really full of themselves. They honestly think they can compete with like Virginia Wolfe or Marquez or some of these great writers. I just want to join a group so I can get criticism not like bad criticism but constructive criticism and that�s the one that�s hard to come by. Most people don�t know how to do it, and much like editing, it�s a skill creative writers need to learn. There�s always a way to let someone know that their writing sucks in a polite kind of way. Although, if someone told me something sucked, I wouldn�t feel offended, I�d get a second opinion.

Hmm, maybe I�ll do a weekend recap. Well, Friday we went out to Bennigan�s for dinner because there really wasn�t anything edible in the house. We rented a few movies, among them some French film that was pretty confusing. I don�t remember the name, that�s the only one I watched out of the whole batch.

Then on Saturday, at around noon, the doorbell rang about three times and the sound of a large fist hitting the door was heard, it turned out to be the mailman with a huge box of Valentiny gifts from Dan the Man. He sent me sponge bob paper towels and this cute monkey that when you squeeze her tummy makes monkey noises. I also got tons of chocolate and more stuff. Anyway, after the mailman incident, I headed out to the grocery store and got back in time to cook dinner and watch the Av�s and Redwings game. I came to the conclusion that since the Av�s have the largest number of players that I like; I will choose them as my favorite team. Dan the Man has given me heat over this for the last two years. He seems to think that I can�t like hockey just because I like watching people play and that I have to have a favorite team. And of course, it�s just like me to choose the team that he hates. I didn�t do much else except study and talk to Dan the Man on the phone.

Sunday, I went to mass and then we went to look at houses. My sister and her hubby are planning to buy a new home away from the third ward. The only thing that sucks is that they found a place and it�s not as close to the University, but I�d rather sleep at night than be five minutes away from the University. And that was my weekend.

I had ended this, but then I realized that I couldn�t get online, for some reason or other we were off the internet until now.

I managed to do some work, not much, but some. I also managed to make more corrections to my stories and give them to someone else to read. And I retold my story of how I found myself on this very day at this very hour working and studying at the University of Houston.

I also bashed athletes and their abundant budget with our office manager. It makes no sense to me why they need a police escort to get them to the airport on their away games. They take classes just like the rest of us and I�ve never seen a police escort with them there so why do they need one to the airport? It also makes no sense to me why the university should pump so much money into events that a good chunk of the students don�t give a rat�s ass about. Most of us here are all about getting some degree and getting on with the rest of our lives which according to my paycheck won�t begin until I get a bachelor�s. Don�t get me wrong, I�ll bear a UH Alumni sticker on my car once I graduate (and can afford one), I just don�t think it�s fair for that student who sits in the University Center with a ninety-nine cent hamburger and no drink because his/her money was spent paying for textbooks and tuition while the athletes are charging a biggie-sized number 4 combo on the athletic department budget.

back || forth

Getting linked and saying adios - 2005-01-28
What's going on... - 2005-01-26
Fixed - 2005-01-21
Sex ed - 2005-01-19
And still on the same subject - 2005-01-18


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