11:53 a.m. - 2004-01-20

Why hello there. I wasn�t able to update during the weekend because I don�t have internet at home, it�s all part of the �Let�s be productive at home� project. Of course, it doesn�t work because it becomes a pain in the ass every time we are trying to be productive to have to haul our ass to the University to use the internet.

So Monday we celebrated Martin Luther King Day in the states. At first, I was thinking, �whoopee, big deal.� But then I really got to thinking about it and saw all he did not only for the Black Civil Rights Movement, but for the Chicano Movement and the Women�s Movement and really gained more respect for the man. The thing is that people often over look that. Yes, we Chicano�s may have been doing something about it long before Martin Luther King, but so were many other black and women. Yeah, things have been pretty messed up, some of the gains that the Mexican women gained during World War II were lost, but that should only encourage us to do more. So what I�m getting at here is that we need to keep pushing for racial equality and most important, we all need to get out there and vote and let the country know that some of us won�t stand for WASP anymore.

So today is the first day of school. I�m not too excited. I have Statistics of Psychology or something like that and a class on Chaucer. Woopee!

As you know, Houston will host the Super Bowl next weekend. I don�t think I�ll be leaving the house at all. They installed the Metro rail so that there wouldn�t be too much traffic, but a city this big, with a Metro rail that runs from Downtown to Reliant Arena makes no sense at all. They should have installed on that goes to the airports and the Galleria Mall and it wouldn�t seem like a ghost town train. I was pumping gas at Sam�s this weekend and saw it whiz by and there was four people in the damn thing. How can that workout if it costs about nine dollars to run it one way and they�re only making four dollars. The worst part is that they already messed up the streets, so if they take it out, they�re going to close streets because of road work. Once again, Woopee!

I saw Big Fish last night. That was one of the best movies I�ve seen this year. It was like reading One Hundred Years of Solitude all over again. Just goes to show how much your view on the world can do.

Well, I need to get back to work. I have to help out with this damn newsletter that the Recovery Project sends out. Have a great week everyone.

back || forth

Getting linked and saying adios - 2005-01-28
What's going on... - 2005-01-26
Fixed - 2005-01-21
Sex ed - 2005-01-19
And still on the same subject - 2005-01-18


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