Weekend update
3:54 p.m. - 2004-06-07

Not only did I get my period early, it came with back pains and cramps that I hadn�t been exposed to in a while. I keep fearing that I�m going to mess up my back, but it could just be the period. I worked out this morning and the workout and stretches didn�t help the back pain, so it must be a result of the evil crimson wave. At least I won�t be on the rag on my b-day.

Anyway, I did a lot of things this weekend. On Friday, I went to Azteca�s with Becky, Maria Teresa and Carolina. After dinner, Carolina and I went to Helios and ended up bartending at the bar upstairs. Had we been able to keep the tips, I could of bought myself a b-day outfit, but hell, free drinks all the time ain�t bad either.

Before bartending, Carolina and I were sitting on the steps in front of the bar talking. She told me that I need to start making friends with people in my classes because I have no College life and that she wished I�d study abroad for a semester. As she was talking, this guy, Adam, sat down between us and started talking to us. She was nicer to him than I was, but that�s because I�m pretty reserved. It�s hard because I�m so shy. I guess Bo was right when he said that I�m a skinny woman trapped in a fat woman�s body. Whatever.

On Saturday, I had my first IMAX experience ever. It was amazing. I watch Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban with all the Potter geeks. I loved it though. I vowed to take Dan the man when he comes to visit in September. Oh yeah, I also spent about four hours cleaning on Saturday.

Sunday, Carolina had to go home because my sister and Bo were returning from Mexico. I was kind of sad to see her go. I hated having to clean up after her, but she�s really good company. We talked a lot.

Gabi and Bo came home and as usual, had some nice tans and lots of stuff. They brought me this green wire ring with stones tied to the ends of the wires and piled on top of each other. They also brought me some gross sticker, this guy with acne and puss and another with lots of boogers, a t-shirt with the Aztec calendar that says �Oaxaca,� a weaved pencil holder, and a pen with a little figure of a Zapatista attached to the top of it. I�m the coolest kid in town man.

I read Daniel Chacon�s new book And the Shadows Took Him over the weekend. The ending was so depressing. It also mad me start thinking the worst when I tried calling Dan the Man about five times and got no answer. He finally called me back. I told him I�d been freaking out and he didn�t believe me.

back || forth

Getting linked and saying adios - 2005-01-28
What's going on... - 2005-01-26
Fixed - 2005-01-21
Sex ed - 2005-01-19
And still on the same subject - 2005-01-18


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